Alex Taveras-Crespo

OMG Mobile

Dart, Flutter, Firebase (Firestore, Cloud Functions), JavaScript, Stripe API

OMG Mobile is a mobile app developed for a local restaurant client, delivered as part of COIS 4000Y: Software Engineering's capstone group project at Trent University. The client was looking to improve their online presence, increase customer retention, and stay competitive.

This project uses Dart and the Flutter framework to deliver a high-performance, cross-platform app. Firebase integration allows us to have real-time data querying, and also facilitates user authentication and cloud messaging. Additionally, Firebase Cloud Functions handle some backend operations in a serverless environment, similar to AWS Lambda.

Inspired by the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern with dependency injection, OMG Mobile has an organized and maintainable codebase through the use of good architectural practices. After 8 months of development, with around 20 hours per week (on top of part-time software development at my job, being a TA, and 8 other courses), I ended up getting a 96% in the course, with a 10/10 satisfaction rating from both the client and our professor.